
The 4 Types of Friends That Are Good For Your Marriage

The 4 Types of Friends That Are Good For Your Marriage

Friends play a crucial role in a marriage. They can help push you closer together or they can can be a force that pulls you apart.

Rooted: How Your Personal Prayer Life Grows Your Marriage

Rooted: How Your Personal Prayer Life Grows Your Marriage

Your prayer life impacts more in your marriage than you may know. It’s through prayer that we become rooted in Christ and learn to love as he desires.

The Dark Side of Familiarity Within Marriage

The Dark Side of Familiarity Within Marriage

Familiarity comes with many blessings, but can also be the doorway through which a few harmful things can enter your marriage.

Conflict In Marriage Isn’t Bad. How “I Statements” Change The Game.

Conflict In Marriage Isn’t Bad. How “I Statements” Change The Game.

Using “I Statements” can help you work through disagreements and engage in healthy conflict within your marriage.

Fading Romance: What To Do When The Love Seems Dry

Fading Romance: What To Do When The Love Seems Dry

Romance ebbs and flows in marriage. Seasons where romance seems to fade require specific steps to reignite the spark you once had.

5 Communication Secrets I Wish We Had Known As Newlyweds

5 Communication Secrets I Wish We Had Known As Newlyweds

Communication during the newlywed season is often easy. As we’ve grown as a couple we’ve learned communication secrets that would have helped make it even better!

The 4 Laws Of Sowing And Reaping, And How They Affect Your Marriage

The 4 Laws Of Sowing And Reaping, And How They Affect Your Marriage

Sowing and Reaping is a powerful principle that can change your marriage in big ways. These four laws help understand how.

“I Love And I Like You”, Beautiful Marriage Advice From Leslie Knope

“I Love And I Like You”, Beautiful Marriage Advice From Leslie Knope

We can love our spouse but not like them very much. Setting up a regular rhythm can fan into flames the friendship you need inside your marriage.

Breaking The Common Myth of Compatibility In Marriage

Breaking The Common Myth of Compatibility In Marriage

Should you expect compatibility in marriage? Here is why we think it’s a myth what is actually much, much better.

Breakthrough: The Spiritual Discipline That Will Transform Your Marriage

Breakthrough: The Spiritual Discipline That Will Transform Your Marriage

Breakthrough is needed in marriage when we reach a plateau and can’t seem to move forward. This spiritual discipline can help you move forward.