The Freedom In Loving Your Perfectly Imperfect Marriage

The Freedom In Loving Your Perfectly Imperfect Marriage

Perfect marriages don’t exist. Expecting yours to be one will only leave you frustrated and exhausted. What’s the alternative?

Fading Romance: What To Do When The Love Seems Dry

Fading Romance: What To Do When The Love Seems Dry

Romance ebbs and flows in marriage. Seasons where romance seems to fade require specific steps to reignite the spark you once had.

Breakthrough: The Spiritual Discipline That Will Transform Your Marriage

Breakthrough: The Spiritual Discipline That Will Transform Your Marriage

Breakthrough is needed in marriage when we reach a plateau and can’t seem to move forward. This spiritual discipline can help you move forward.

Are You Too Busy? Why Busyness May Be Hurting Your Marriage

Are You Too Busy? Why Busyness May Be Hurting Your Marriage

Busyness is carried around like a badge of honor in today’s world. What is the effect of this busyness on your marriage?

6 Practical Ways To Honor Your Spouse

6 Practical Ways To Honor Your Spouse

Honor plays a critical role in building true, sincere love within your marriage. Doing these things will help you show honor and build that love.

How To “Own” Your Marriage and Live Powerfully

How To “Own” Your Marriage and Live Powerfully

Taking ownership of your marriage together takes your relationship from passive and weak to active and powerful. Here is how you can do it.

Learning To Face Seasons of Unknown Together

Learning To Face Seasons of Unknown Together

Seasons of unknown can be challenging. But there are simple principles that can help your marriage stand united as you face it together.

The Secret Behind Bonding With Your Spouse

The Secret Behind Bonding With Your Spouse

Bonding with your spouse is one of the main ways we become one flesh and experience the fullness of God’s design for marriage.

Supporting Your Spouse Through Hard Times (Part 3: Your Prayers)

Supporting Your Spouse Through Hard Times (Part 3: Your Prayers)

Your prayers are the most effective tool you have to support your spouse through hard times. Here’s how you can use them practically.

Supporting Your Spouse Through Hard Times (Part 2, Your Actions)

Supporting Your Spouse Through Hard Times (Part 2, Your Actions)

Actions can often speak louder than our words. When your spouse is going through a hard time, how can you use your actions to support them?