Devotional: Is The Good News… Good News For Your Marriage?

Devotional: Is The Good News... Good News For Your Marriage?

Bradley Headshot

By Bradley Bennett

August 14th, 1945 was a day of good news. In American history, it’s known as Victory in Japan day. And it was the day that marked the official end of a massive, world-wide war that had been raging for several years.

As the good news of the end of the war was shared, it led to celebration and joy! In fact, one of the most iconic American photos of celebration was taken during this time of two random people so overwhelmed by the news that they celebrated by sharing a kiss.

That photo is so iconic because it captures the heart of celebration when responding to receiving good news. A feeling many of us know intimately.

For the follower of Jesus, His finished work on the cross and the announcement of His coming kingdom, is good news. It’s an announcement that is far more worthy of joy and celebration than even the announcement of victory on that August day in 1945.

In fact, the word we commonly use to describe what Jesus has done is the word, Gospel. Which is a shortened version of the term “god-spell”, which means Good Story.

And in the original language (Greek), the biblical writers called it the “Euangelion” of Christ. Or, as you have probably guessed, the good news. Typically, this specific word was reserved for the announcement of a new king ruling over a land.

A king would send out carriers to announce the “euangelion” or the good news of his newly established rule. For the people of this kingdom, this news would impact every area of their lives as they lived under the rule of a new king. If the king was a wise ruler, then it truly was good news!

Often though, the good news doesn’t seem to match its name. If we are being honest, we may know the good news, but it doesn’t really feel like good news. It doesn’t lead to celebration or joy. It’s just kind of there.

I’ve been there. For years I knew the good news but it didn’t move me or impact my life in any major way.

What I want to put before us is a few simple questions. What if the good news of Christ is actually… good news? The best news we could ever receive?

And what if the problem isn’t with the good news itself but with our understanding of it?

Because what Amanda and I have found is that the good news of Christ is worthy of all celebration and joy. It is the very thing that fuels our hope, joy, and love of our God – and from there, each other.

And this good news has impacted every area of our lives, especially our marriage.

And so I most likely don’t know your marriage dynamics or your situation. But I do know ONE thing. The good news of Jesus is good news for your marriage. It’s the best news you could possibly receive. And truly understanding why can and will transform everything in your relationship.

Are you ready to receive some Good News? Here it is.

God himself came down wrapped in flesh as the person Jesus in order to conquer the power of sin and the grave.

He did this by living a life perfectly in union with the father and living a life with no sin and ultimately offering himself up as the perfect sacrifice for each of us and settling our sin debt. He died the death that we deserved for our sin by taking our place on the cross.

He was buried, but after 3 days he rose again officially defeating the power of the grave and the power of sin and then ascended into heaven to reign with the father for all of eternity. And He is offering that same power over sin and union with the father to all who trust in him as a free gift of grace.

And one day he shall come again to wipe away all tears, to restore what is broken, and usher in an age of wholeness and eternal joy.

This is the euangelion, the good news, of the coming king Jesus. And it has the power to transform every aspect of your life. Especially your marriage.

Questions for Discussion or Meditation:

  • What was the best news you ever received? How did it make you feel?

  • Do you feel like the good news is really good news? (Be honest! And it’s okay to say no.)
  • How has the good news of Jesus impacted your marriage? 


“Holy father, thank you for Jesus. My God, thank you for coming in the form of a man to do what I could not by taking the punishment of death that I deserved. 

Thank you for the good news of Jesus. Help it to become even greater good news to me. 

Help me to grow in my understanding of Christ crucified so that I can experience the joy bought by His finished work on the cross.

I invite your holy spirit to open my eyes and soften my heart to see how the good news transforms everything. I invite you into my marriage to make the good news of Jesus center to all that we do. 

Please help us to live in continual joy and celebration over the good news. 
